
First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Centre for e-Learning at Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) for introducing me to the ideas of open educational resources (OBE) and inclusive open textbooks (iOTB). I extend my heartfelt thanks to the Centre and the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) Canada for organizing the workshop on the development of iOTB. Special appreciation to the workshop speaker, Dr. Indira Koneru, for her guidance on using the UMS Pressbooks platform and making sure that the development of iOTB adheres to inclusive open education best practices. I also like to thank Universiti Malaysia Sabah as this project would not have been achievable without their tremendous support. Not to forget the entire staff at the Center for e-Learning for their continuous oversight as well as their technical assistance. Last but not least, thanks to everyone who has been there for me, my family and friends, for their unwavering support and encouragement during this process.