Attribution Examples

DeeAnn Ivie

Learning Objectives

  • See examples of providing attribution at the book and chapter level
  • See examples of providing attribution when using a variety of CC-licensed works
Type Attribution Statement  Level  Pressbooks Menu
Cloned Book[1] cloned book attribution Book Pressbooks Admin: Book Info > Source
Adapted Book [2] adapted book attribution Book Pressbooks Admin: Book Info > Copyright Notice
Book: Derivative of Multiple Works [3] attribution derivative of many works Book: Front Matter Pressbooks Admin > Organize > Add Front Matter > Attribution
Derivative of One Work [4] derivative of one work Chapter: Footnotes Chapter View > Insert Footnotes
Derivative of Multiple Works [5]
  1. Attribution: This chapter was adapted from the SPARC Open Education Primer created by the SPARC Open Education Leadership Program, licensed CC BY 4.0.
  2. Mays, Elizabeth, et al. A Guide to Making Open Textbooks with Students. Rebus Community, 2017.
Chapter: Footnotes Chapter View > Insert Footnotes
Image [6] attribution derivative of many worksEarth” by Kevin M. Gill is licensed under CC BY 2.0 Image Caption Pressbooks Admin > Add Media > Upload Files >  Caption

  1.  Elder, Abbey. OER Starter Kit for RTC, 2019.
  2. University of Minnesota Libraries. Pressbook Guidelines for the University of Minnesota, 2019.
  3. Elder, A.K. (2019). The OER Starter Kit. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Digital Press. DOI:
  4. Authors: University of Alberta Centre for Teaching and Learning and University of Alberta Library (2019). The University of Alberta OER Starter Kit. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Digital Press. DOI:
  5.   Elder, Abbey. OER Starter Kit for RTC, 2019.
  6. Creative Commons.  Creative Commons Certificate for Educators, Academic Librarians and GLAM, 2022.  


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Attribution Examples Copyright © 2023 by DeeAnn Ivie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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