29 Chapter Quiz


  1. What is the primary function of leading in organizational communication?

a) Issuing instructions clearly and specifically

b) Explaining reasons for instructions

c) Resolving conflicts among employees

d) Gathering feedback from staff


  1. Which direction does upward communication typically flow in an organization?

a) From executives to staff

b) From staff to executives

c) Horizontally among colleagues

d) Between different departments


  1. What is the importance of problem-solving in organizational communication?

a) Resolving conflicts among employees

b) Brainstorming solutions to business challenges

c) Issuing instructions to staff

d) Explaining reasons for instructions


4. According to research, which type of cross-cultural training is more beneficial for longer and more complex international assignments?

A) Low-rigor training

B) High-rigor training

C) Lecture-based training

D) On-the-job training


5. What aspect of cultural intelligence is primarily enhanced through brief lectures or other low-rigor methods?

A) Cognitive aspect

B) Metacognitive aspect

C) Behavioral aspect

D) Emotional aspect


6. According to the text, successfully communicating across cultures requires understanding and respecting how the culture or cultures you represent differ from those of the people you’re communicating with.

A) True

B) False


7. What is one example provided in the text of using nonverbal communication to influence others?

a) Sending messages to get someone to leave a crowded restaurant

b) Engaging in competition reality television shows

c) Excusing one’s own mistakes

d) Being polite to others

8. What is one example provided in the text of how nonverbal communication expresses identity?

a) Changing one’s height using cosmetic surgery

b) Wearing different color contact lenses

c) Decorating one’s living space

d) Altering one’s accent


9) What role do facial expressions play in public speaking, according to the text?

a) Setting the volume of the speaker’s voice

b) Establishing the speaker’s height

c) Communicating emotions and personality traits

d) Controlling the lighting of the stage


10. Which of the following best describes the primary focus of the video in relation to effective communication strategies in international business?

a) Implementing standardized communication protocols across all cultural contexts

b) Adapting communication strategies to fit the specific cultural norms and expectations of diverse international stakeholders

c) Utilizing advanced technology to streamline communication processes between global teams

d) Emphasizing the importance of hierarchical communication structures in multinational organizations



1;A 2;B 3B 4; B  5;A 6;A 7;A 8;C 9;C 10; B


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Chapter Quiz Copyright © by NOR AZMA BINTI RAHLIN is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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