23 Chapter Quiz


  1. Which of the following industries is commonly associated with an adhocracy culture?

a) Manufacturing

b) Consulting

c) Agriculture

d) Retail


2. Which of the following organizational cultures is most likely to be associated with higher employee job satisfaction and reduced conflict, according to the provided information?

a) Clan culture

b) Market culture

c) Hierarchy culture

d) None of the above


3. According to research, the Competing Values Framework(CVF) has four-dimensional area that reflects distinct cultural types.



4. Which of the following is a potential consequence of implicit bias and stereotypes in MNCs?

A) Increased employee engagement

B) Enhanced cross-cultural communication

C) Fair treatment and inclusion issues

D) Streamlined decision-making processes


5. How can organizations promote multicultural effectiveness among employees?

a) Implementing diversity training programs

b) Ignoring cultural differences

c) Hiring employees from the same cultural background

d) Creating a homogenous work environment


6. Which of the following is a barrier to achieving multicultural effectiveness in organizations?

a) Inclusive leadership

b) Open communication channels

c) Stereotyping and bias

d) Cross-cultural collaboration


7. What is the role of leadership in fostering multicultural effectiveness?

a) Reinforcing stereotypes

b) Promoting an inclusive culture

c) Excluding diverse perspectives

d) Discouraging open dialogue


8. In the context of Erin Meyer’s “The Culture Map,” which of the following scenarios best exemplifies a high-context culture in communication?

a) An email from a Japanese manager that implies feedback is needed without directly stating it.

b) A detailed report from a German engineer that explicitly outlines all project specifications.

c) A team meeting in the United States where each participant openly shares their opinions and suggestions.

d) A direct message from an Australian colleague that clearly defines their expectations and deadlines.


2. According to the principles of intercultural communication, what is the primary challenge when interacting with individuals from low-context cultures in a global team setting?

a) Misinterpretation of non-verbal cues and subtle suggestions.

b) Overemphasis on directness and explicitness in communication.

c) Difficulty in understanding and respecting indirect communication styles.

d) Confusion over the use of formal titles and hierarchical structures.


3. What approach should a global team adopt to effectively manage communication challenges arising from high-context and low-context cultural differences?

a) Enforce a single, uniform communication style to ensure consistency.

b) Encourage team members to adapt their communication styles to the local context.

c) Limit communication to formal written reports to avoid misunderstandings.

d) Provide training on cultural sensitivity and adapt communication strategies to bridge the context gap.



1;B, 2;A, 3;TRUE, 4;C,  5;A, 6;C, 7;B, 8;A 9;B 10;D


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