17 Chapter Quiz


  1. Why are laws needed for business?

a) To make companies more money

b) To ensure fair competition

c) To help the distribution of products and services

d) To allow businesses to go overseas


2. Which of the following is the best explanation of the political environment in international business?

a) The political system of each foreign market that serves to profit only its own country

b) The economic system of each foreign market that serves to profit only its own country

c) Government activities in the international market that serve to hinder the conduct of business of another country

d) A set of factors relating to government activities and political factors that serve to either facilitate or hinder the conduct of business in a foreign country.

3. How does an informal trade barrier differ from a formal trade barrier?

a) An informal trade barrier is illegal, while formal trade barriers are only legal if they are approved by the World Trade Organization and they do not single out only one country.

b) A formal trade barrier involves tariffs and an informal trade barrier consists of quotas.

c) A formal trade barrier is enacted by the ruling body of a country, while an informal barrier is usually a result of a mistake in the administrative staff or an objective error that could not be predicted.

d) A formal trade barrier is imposed specifically to hinder trade, while an informal barrier isn’t primarily implemented as a trade barrier but has the effect of one.

4. Why might a business have reservations when investing in countries that have authoritarian regimes?

a) There is no unpredictability and this decreases the value of the investment.

b) Bribing dictators can be expensive.

c) It’s actually easier to deal with them because you are generally dealing with one person or a small group of people that control the country.

d) Authoritarian regimes do not subject themselves to the rule of law.

5. What is the primary evolutionary trait that humans have developed to compensate for their physical weaknesses?

a) Advanced physical strength

b) Strong protective hide

c) Culture

d) Agile movements

6. Why must cultures continuously adapt according to the text?

a) To maintain physical strength

b) To survive environmental changes

c) To develop advanced technology

d) To increase physical agility

7. According to anthropologists, why might ethnographies be updated periodically?

a) To include new scientific discoveries

b) To document changes in the culture since the ethnography was written

c) To reflect changes in the physical environment

d) To improve research methodologies

8.  What role does culture play in human survival, based on the text?

a) It compensates for physical deficiencies

b) It replaces physical strength

c) It increases physical agility

d) It improves sensory perception

9. Which of the following best describes the concept of culture as “adaptive”?

A) Culture provides individuals with a consistent way to understand and interpret symbols, regardless of context.

B) Culture helps individuals meet their needs by adapting to varying environments and circumstances.

C) Culture ensures that the meanings and practices of a group remain unchanged over time.

D) Culture involves the passive absorption of beliefs without active teaching or engagement.

10. In the context of culture, the term “patterned” refers to:

A) The way culture is transmitted through direct teaching and imitation from others.

B) The tendency of cultural beliefs and practices to recur across different aspects of social life.

C) The use of specific symbols that are universally understood across all cultures.

D) The consistent, unchanging nature of cultural practices in a given society.




1;B, 2; D, 3; D, 4; D 5;C 6;B 7;B 8;A 9;B 10; B


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