5 Chapter Quiz


1.Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a developed market?

A) Strong economic growth
B) High per capita income
C) Limited accessibility by foreign investors
D) Dependable regulatory system

2. As an emerging market economy develops, which of the following changes is NOT typically expected?

A) Increased liquidity in local debt and equity markets
B) Decreased trade volume
C) Increased foreign direct investment
D) Development of modern financial and regulatory institutions

3. Which of the following countries is currently classified as an emerging market economy?

A) United States
B) Germany
C) India
D) Japan

4. Which term was coined by the World Bank to describe the achievements of East and South East Asian economies in overcoming development challenges?

A) Asian Economic Boom
B) East Asian Miracle
C) Southeast Asian Triumph
D) Asian Industrial Revolution

5. What model largely contributed to the success of East and South East Asian economies?

A) Inward-focused agriculture
B) Outward-oriented industrialization
C) Import-substitution industrialization
D) Sustainable urbanization

6. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a large Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) economy that has emerged since 2000?

A) Indonesia
B) Malaysia
C) Thailand
D) Japan

7. Which technological advancement was NOT a key factor in the acceleration of globalization during the Age of Exploration?

A. The development of the magnetic compass
B. Innovations in ship design
C. The invention of the printing press
D. Advances in maritime navigation techniques

8. What was a major effect of the Information Age on globalization?

A. The creation of the Silk Road trade routes
B. The discovery of the Americas by European explorers
C. The ability to communicate and access information instantaneously across the globe
D. The spread of agricultural production methods

Answer: 1; C, 2; B, 3;C, 4;B, 5;B 6;D 7;C 8;C 9;B 10;C



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