5 Chapter 4 The Human and The System Geography

Nearly anything you can think of is part of a system. Thinking about things as parts of systems (systems thinking) gives us a number of advantages over considering everything in isolation. First, it provides insight into the unit’s function as part of the system. For example, insects may not seem important, or might even seem to be a nuisance, until their roles in feeding many other animals, decomposing dead organic matter, and pollination are considered. The same is true for the contribution of a small stream to a larger river and eventually the water cycle.

Let’s look at a generic diagram for a very basic system:

An arrow moves from "Inputs" to "System Component"; another arrow moves from "System Component" to "outputs"

This is a little abstract but we can see that there are things that go into systems and things that come out of them. Here are some more concrete examples:

An arrow flows from "Oxygen" to "Lungs"; another arrow flows from "Lungs" to "Carbon Dioxide"
Clearly, lungs are part of a larger system (the human body)–but their basic function is to take in oxygen and exchange it with our blood, then exhale carbon dioxide. What would happen if the input of oxygen was stopped? First, carbon dioxide would no longer be output. But there are more serious ramifications for the function of other system components! We can diagram this larger system like so:
An arrow flows from "Oxygen, Food, Water" to "Human Body"; another arrow flows from "Human Body" to "Carbon Dioxide, Energy, Waste"
Earth systems can be diagrammed in the same way. Let’s add a simple connection to the human system to understand how we fit into larger life systems:
An arrow moves from "Sunlight" as input to "Potato plant (food)"; an arrow moves from "Potato plant (food)" to "Human body"; an arrow flows from "Human body" to "Carbon dioxide, energy, waste as outputs
Now we can see that sunlight is an essential input (among others) to creating food, which is essential to providing our bodies with energy. Waste products are also created as we metabolize our food.

Causation and System Feedback
Feedback is an essential part of systems–without it, systems would not function at all. Feedback describes the “signal” that a unit of a system receives from other parts of the system, and can be positive or negative.

Let’s take a look at some simple diagrams to understand relationships in systems. First, the arrows in the diagrams above have been showing the flow of inputs and outputs, short for “goes into” and “comes out of.” We’re going to ad a + or – sign to these arrows, which is a short hand way of saying “increases” or “decreases.” For example, to return to the system of our human body,

A diagram shows that exercise causes increased body temperature. An arrow flows from exercise to body temperature with a plus sign located above the arrow to indicate a positive relationship.

The plus sign indicates a positive relationship that we have all experienced. We can read this two ways: “increased exercise leads to increased body temperature,” or also “decreased exercise leads to decreased body temperature.” Either way the relationship is positive, as more of one thing leads to more of the other and vice-versa.

Fortunately our bodies have a way of responding to increased temperatures, diagrammed below:

The same diagram as before has been expanded. Increased exercise causes increased body temperature, with the addition of body temperature having a positive relationship with perspiration. An arrow labeled "negative feedback" loops back from "Perspiration" to "Body Temperature" with a minus symbol below the arrow.

When our body temperature rises, we perspire (sweat) in response. The plus sign between body temperature and perspiration indicates that normally when body temperature increases, perspiration increases, and when body temperature decreases, so does perspiration. This is another positive relationship. Following the entire chain, we can see that more exercise leads to more perspiration.

Perspiration cools our bodies through evaporation. That’s shown with the – sign, which can be interpreted as “increased perspiration decreases body temperature.” The negative sign indicates a negative relationshipmore of one thing is associated with less of another.

The lower arrow returning from perspiration to body temperature is an example of a feedback loop because it returns to an earlier part of the system chain. Feedback is essential to the functioning of systems and it’s hard for us to understand how systems work without understanding their feedback loops. Body temperature being regulated by perspiration is an example of a negative feedback loop. Negative feedback tends to maintain equilibrium in a system. In the case of our examples, normal body temperature is maintained by negative feedback.

Positive feedback, on the other hand, is one in which feedback serves to accelerate change in a system, moving it further from its original operations. To expand on the previous example, let’s take a look at a closely related negative feedback loop for temperature regulation:

system diagram showing "Body temperature" with positive arrow flowing into "Feeling hot", then negative arrow feeding into "clothing"; return positive arrow from clothing to body temperature is labeled "negative feedback".

The signs get confusing here so remember how we’ve defined these relationships. Starting with body temperature, we see a positive relationship, meaning “increases in body temperature lead to an increase in feeling hot,” and conversely, “decreases in body temperature lead to decreases in feeling hot.” The next relationship in the chain shows us that “increases in body temperature lead to decreases in clothing,” or that “decreases in body temperature lead to increases in clothing.” If we feel hot, we take off some clothes. If we feel “not hot” (cold), we put clothes on. See how increases are met with decreases and vice-versa? That’s a negative relationship. Finally, to complete the feedback loop, “increases in clothing lead to increases in body temperature,” and “decreases in clothing lead to decreases in body temperature.”

Let’s modify the same example to show positive feedback:

Same diagram as previous but with the first arrow from "body temperature" to "feeling hot" labeled "Illness" and sign changed from positive to negative; return arrow from "clothing" to "body temperature" is now labeled "positive feedback"

Here we see that increases in body temperature are no longer met with increases in feeling hot. This is sometimes seen when we are sick. Instead, even as we become warm, we continue to feel cold and we bundle up, increasing our temperature further. We may even shiver, which also serves to increase our temperature. We call this abnormally high body temperature a “fever,” a good example of positive feedback. You can see how the feedback loop moves the body away from its normal temperature.

Super important to note here is that there are two negative relationships in this diagram, yet it’s still an example of positive feedback. Let’s take a moment to explore why that is. It’s easier to understand if we remember the way we interpret the plus and minus signs. Following the boxes and arrows left-to-right, we can read, “increases in body temperature lead to a decrease in feeling hot, and decreases in feeling hot lead to an increase in putting on clothes.” Thus, when we have a fever we feel cold and put on more clothes even though our bodies temperature is higher than normal! The key insight is to treat the negatives and positives like multiplying numbers. A negative number times a positive number is negative. But two negative numbers multiplied is positive, which we see in the fever example.

While sick our bodies usually regulate temperatures away from dangerously high levels, which is signalled by profuse perspiration as a fever “breaks.” What is really breaking is the positive feedback loop as the body returns to a normal temperature by using its typical negative feedback loop.

What’s all this about body temperature?

OK, OK, these examples were deliberately selected to be super familiar so you can hopefully understand the concepts more easily. Let’s look at some interesting and important examples of system feedback on Earth.

Our first example looks at two different feedback loops possible when humans deal with the physical risk of flooding on a floodplain:

two separate systems diagrams. First box of each is "flood risk on floodplain"; a positive arrow in the first diagram leads to "move out of floodplain", with a return arrow back to "flood risk" labeled negative. Second diagram also has positive arrow from "flood risk on floodplain" but to "Elevated building pads", with a positive arrow back to "flood risk"


The top feedback is negative. High risk of floods leads people to move out of the flood plain, which in turn puts everyone at lower risk of floods. (Floods will still occur, but people won’t be at risk.)
However, the lower feedback is positive. In this example, a high risk of floods leads people to create elevated building pads on the floodplain. That saves the building from a flood, but makes flooding more likely on the rest of the flood plain. The more building pads are built, the higher the floodwaters become until eventually it’s nearly the same risk on top the building pads!
Our final example for this section looks at an issue that was quite concerning to many during the second part of the last century. We’ll discuss this feedback more fully in our chapter on population, as it turns out this diagram and feedback loop are overly simplified (though they are essentially true if all other factors are held constant):
system diagram showing more population leads to more babies being born, leading to more population
Here we see that the larger a population, the more babies are born (again, holding all other factors constant); in turn, the more babies are born, the larger the population becomes.


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